Help Your Roof Keep Up with the Demands of the Seasons with Roofing Repairs

Help Your Roof Keep Up with the Demands of the Seasons with Roofing Repairs

Most homeowners will need to make repairs to their roofs due to weather damage with 65% saying in consumer surveys that the weather was their motivation for repairs. When you consider all of the different types of weather your home deals with, it’s easy to see how a roof can become damaged. With heavy rains, strong winds, nasty snowfalls, and the scorching sun all beating down on the cover to your home, it will sustain damage over time. The cumulative effect of different types of weather damage can lead to leaks, wind-blown shingles, and much more. If those types of damages are left unrepaired, it can significantly impact the safety and comfort of the interior of your home.

Residential Roofing Contractors to the Rescue

There is a way to keep up with the demands of changing seasons and the various weather your roof must endure. Contact local roofers to inspect your roof annually, or after a particularly damaging storm. Residential roofing contractors can detect the type of damage your roof may have sustained with a free roof inspection. All you need to do is go outside and check your roof for visible signs of damage. Even if you don’t see any traces of damage, that does not mean your roof isn’t damaged. Heavy winds can loosen shingles, and some leaks are harder to see even though they are still there. The bottom line is that you need to invest in roof repair to ensure your home is protected in the future.

Basic Types of Damage Include Wind, Rain, and Hail Damage

Strong winds are one of the biggest dangers to your roof. Wind storms are known to deteriorate shingles, cause debris to fall on rooftops, and cause shingles to lift, come off, become punctured, as well as leave many spots for leaks to start when it rains next. Damage from winds isn’t always noticeable to homeowners. However, residential roofing contractors know what to look for and are always happy to provide you with a roof estimate for repairs or replacement if needed.

Rain Reigns Supreme as the Top Type of Roof Damage

Many residential roofing contractors will tell you a top reason for roof damage is rain. It is the most noticeable type of damage to any roof. In fact, it’s easy to see how rain can be viewed as your roof’s #1 long-time enemy. Excessive rain causes leaks that can seep into holes in roofs and cause the structure of homes to become compromised. This is especially true for older roofs. The more internal layers are exposed due to pelting rain, the more likely a roof will start having moisture problems. Moisture problems lead to mold, rot, and eventually structural damage, all of which tend to be expensive to repair if you do not have those problems eradicated quickly.

All Hail the Damage that Hail Can Cause

One of the most common causes of roof damage in the fall and spring is hail. It is a major threat to the continued integrity of your roof. Just imagine every strike of hail can cause holes or dings that create damage immediately. This is especially true if your home has suffered from an extreme hail storm with larger-sized hail which can cause a lot of damage. Some of those holes and dings are not detected until a few more storms have come through the area in which you live. Residential roofing contractors should be called immediately after a storm to come to assess your roof. A thorough inspection can go a long way in keeping your roof in great shape much longer.

Call Experienced Roofing Contractors After a Recent Storm

When a particularly nasty storm rolls through, your roof may have been damaged. If the damage is significant enough, you may need an older roof replaced. It takes expert roofing inspections and solutions to ensure that your roof stays in great condition.

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