Brighton Michigan Roof Estimate.
If you’re looking for a Brighton, Michigan, roof estimate Herbert has you covered.
Once you find your roofing company, replacing your roof is easy. The hardest part? Finding a reputable roofing company in Brighton, Michigan. We always recommend shopping around to get an estimate range before you sign on the dotted line. Lastly, here at Herbert’s Roofing Company, we aim to provide you a transparent estimate, so you know the investment you’re about to make.
Items that should be included in your Brighton Michigan roof estimate.
Line-Item Estimate with Material & Labor Costs
Be wary if your estimate comes back as a sole number – and not an itemized list. Rember, your estimate should be specific and broken out by material and labor costs. As a rule of thumb: all things that impact the price of your roof replacement should be listed in the estimate. The experts at Herbert Roofing always provide customers with an itemized estimate, and did we mention our estimate is free?
Project Timeline and Basic Company Information
People often overlook the roofing project timeline and basic company information, found at the top of the estimate. Including an estimated start and completion date, company role and responsibility, business phone number and email address, and payment terms. The last thing you want is to get stuck with a roofing project that doesn’t seem to have an end date.
Transparent Fine Print
Fine print is inevitable, and it’s important to find – and read it – before moving forward with a roofing company. Some roofing companies intentionally hide the fine print by not including it or listing it on the back of the estimate. Typically, this means the roofing company will not take any responsibility for damage to your roof and other associated materials. If this is the case with your estimate, we recommend hiring a more reputable, local roofing company.
No Hidden Fees
An estimate that seems too good to be true is probably so. Hidden fees, such as dump fees and extra labor costs, are known for being associated with roofing companies with lower-than-average prices. Firstly, to avoid hidden fees, always compare roofing estimates to understand what line-items are typically included in your local area. The most common hidden fees include dump fees, extra labor costs, as well as rotten roof decking replacement. Feel free to ask your roofing company about any of these three fees and what they charge for them.
Top Rated, Manufacturer-Certified Warranties
Outside of the cost, your estimate should also include the roofing warranty. If you receive an estimate with no warranty included, there’s a possibility there is no warranty at all. Make sure to look for both the workmanship and the manufacturer warranty when reviewing the estimate. Moreover, roofing companies with manufacturer-certified warranties are seen as the best companies in the local area and trusted by Brighton homeowners. Hebert Roofing offers top rated roofing warranties on the marketplace, with lifetime warranties on certain products.
Contact Herbert Roofing today to get your free estimate.
All Our Work is Back by Our Warranty to Perform to Your Satisfaction!
At Herbert Roofing & Insulation, Inc., all our employees are thoroughly trained and/or certified roofing professionals.
Shingle Roof
Professional installers have long preferred the rugged, dependable performance that only a GAF roof can offer, and have made it the #1-selling brand in North America. CertainTeed manufactures high-quality …
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ArrowLine Metal roofing products carry a lifetime, non-prorated limited warranty with hail and fade protection. The warranty is also transferable should the original owner ever decide to sell.
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Owens Corning ProCat is a fiber glass blown-in insulation used in residential and commercial construction as a thermal and sound absorbing insulation. It is designed for pneumatic installation in open …
Read moreTestimonials
Tim Boyk"The most professional roofing crew you'll find. I wouldn't even think of hiring a different crew."
Jeanne Mary"Professional crew, stayed on task, cleaned up every speck."
Jason Smith"My roof looks great. I was not home when the work was done. However 3 of my neighbors have made it a point to comment on what a professional roofing crew. They said the men were like busy ants on the roof. All work and no play. Though you might want to compliment the crew. Again, congratulations and thank you for being such an outstanding member of our community. Good luck to you in your future endeavors. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of assistance to you."
Susan Hillman"Thank you for the beautiful new roof! Our home looks great! Your crew was awesome! Professional, friendly and so hard working! Never saw such a well oiled machine! They were in-sync from the early morning until evening. So happy we chose to do business with your company"
Katherine Coffield"Our project house looks wonderful! This flip will definitely sell thanks to the wonderful new roof. Would definitely recommend Herbert to friends and family."