What To Look For in a Roofing Company

In a customer survey, homeowners stated that they were most likely to repair their roofs after weather damage. Additionally, 65% of those homeowners added that weather damage was their main motivation for getting their roof repaired. Perhaps you are a homeowner who is shopping around for a roofing company. Maybe you have some roof inspection …

Find the Best Howell Michigan Roofing Company Using Online Resources

With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to make those roofing repairs you’ve been putting off.  As with any home repair, it’s important to find the best Howell Michigan roofing company paired with the most affordable prices.  Online resources – such as roofing company marketplaces and quote calculators – are excellent …

Roof Replacement In Brighton

How to Tell Whether You Need Roof Repair or a Roof Replacement

When you think about it, your home’s roof is the most important part of your house. The roof protects you and your family from the elements, protects your household items and the interior parts of the house, and can help enhance your home’s curb appeal. That’s why you should always ensure that your roof is …

When to Replace Roof Decking When Replacing a Roof in Michigan

Although most of us are familiar with roofing shingles, many do not know about the roof decking – located right under all the shingles.  Along with shingle damage from high winds, rain, and heavy snow loads, your roof decking is also vulnerable to damage.  Left without proper care, a roof decking can cost a pretty …